Writing Rules

Manuscripts submitted to the journal should not be reviewed in another journal(s).

- The first page of the article should contain the following information.

the title of the article,
name(s) and institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s),
Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) for each author.
contact information of the relevant author(s),
A maximum of 250 words.
keywords: (minimum 3-maximum 7)

- Each submission must contain a Turkish and English abstract.

- According to the reviews sent by the referees; Manuscripts may be accepted for publication, corrections, abbreviations and additional notes may be requested or studies may be rejected. The author(s) are informed about all these decisions.

- All articles sent to our journal are sent to the referees after the first review of the editorial board in terms of format and content.

- The total length of any submitted article should be written as 1.5 lines and a single column for the text. 12 point font should be used (it should be written using Times New Roman font.)

- All manuscripts should be submitted in accordance with the writing style of "The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition)" published by the American Psychological Association (APA).

- The number of pages must be specified in the direct quotations in the studies.

- The responsibility of the articles published in belongs to the author.

- Copyright (print or electronic) remains with TEYİD upon acceptance of the article.

- Author(s) name(s), official position(s), institution(s), ORCID and contact information (especially e-mail(s)) etc. should be given on the article.

- If the source is directly quoted, the page number must be given when citing the source.

- The authors are responsible for the opinions expressed in the articles.

- The Turkish Language Association's (TDK) spelling guide and spelling rules should be taken as examples in the articles. For detailed information, see TDK's web page: www.tdk.gov.tr. Instead of foreign words, Turkish dictionaries should be used as much as possible. When using unconventional words in Turkish, the foreign language equivalent can be given in parentheses at the first occurrence.

- Articles should be submitted as Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx file extension) documents.

- Articles should be written according to the following style rules:

Paper size: A4 Top: 2.5 cm; Bottom: 2.5cm; Left: 2.5 cm; Right: 2.5 cm

- References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the article.

- Cross-references should be made in the text using the surname of the author, publication date and page number (Kaya, 2001, p.35; Allen & Meyer, 2004:233), in the style of (McGary, et al., 2003:55).

Example references are:


Greenberg, J. and Baron, R. A. (1997). Behavior in Organizations (Sixth Edition). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Erdogan, I. (1999). Organizational Behavior in Business Management. Istanbul: Dönence Printing and Publishing Services.


Rafaeli, A. and Sutton, R. I. (1987). Expression of emotion as part of the work role. Academy of Management Revie. 12 (1), 23-37.

Yavuz, E. and Tokmak, C. (2009). A research on the attitudes of employees about transactional leadership and organizational commitment. International Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies. 1 (2), 17-35.

web resource

World Bank (2005), Private Participation in Infrastructure Project Database, http://ppi.worldbank.org/reports/customQueryAggregate.asp, [Accessed 7.12.2002]